Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Power of Choice

It is remarkably easy to blame negative aspects of my life on a variety of factors outside myself. Genetics, finances, family, friends, even pets make perfect excuses for the lack of modification of my behavior. The truth, however, is that while many things still lie outside my control, there are in fact MORE things I can choose to change.

For instance, there may be multiple issues that could create a difficult labor and delivery for me. But one thing I can do to try to tilt the scale in my favor is to stick to an exercise schedule. It was easy for me to think, "Oh, I'm pregnant, and I'm tired, and it's just too hard to get up and get to the pool for aquaerobics." Yet regardless of my tiredness, working out is good for me, good for the baby, and a great way to get in better shape so I can endure the upcoming labor with more stamina.

Why is it so easy to ignore the power of a choice? Is it because I don't truly believe my choices will have consequences? Could it be that I think I can escape any negative consequences, and still reap rewards even if I choose badly? No matter what the reason, the power of choice is mine, and I choose to grasp it firmly with both hands and use it for my best interest.

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